Living in a small apartment doesn't offer many options for elaborate holiday decor. With a little ingenuity, however, I've created a lovely holiday-themed apartment. A miniature lighted Christmas tree carefully placed on my side table greets visitors as they enter my home. Making good use of my front room window, I have adorned it with decor, using tinsel and garland, as well as miniature stockings hung with suction cups. As a festive alternative, you might try hanging shiny ornaments on the window in much the same way. If your apartment is designed with a staircase, decorate the banister. Use garland, tinsel, holly or even holiday greeting cards. Finally, if your apartment is furnished with a fireplace, decorate the mantel. I've placed a two-foot tall animated and musical Santa on my mantel. I hope my blog gives you some fun decorating ideas for your small home.
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If you have ever seen a large web-filled cocoon hanging from a cedar tree in your yard or neighborhood, it is the work of a bagworm. Bagworms can kill an entire cedar tree, so it is important to identify bagworms and get rid of them as soon as possible. Here are some tips to help identify bagworms and properly get rid of them to save your cedar tree and other cedar trees in your neighborhood.
Locating and Identifying Bagworm Cocoons
In the fall, a female bagworm chooses a branch of a cedar tree in which to live on and spins its cocoon. Inside the cocoon it will lay from 500 to 1000 eggs that hibernate until spring. In May and June, the eggs will hatch and all larvae will begin to eat the tree. These worms are deadly to trees because they hatch in such large numbers and can eat all the foliage on your tree. Some of the worms will crawl or fly on their silken threads to other areas of vegetation where they will continue to eat.
A bagworm can be hard to see on a tree because when the bagworm chooses a tree to spin its coccoon in, it uses parts of the tree to make the outside of the cocoon. So, the cocoon can have twigs and leaves from the tree it is attached onto. Usually, by the time the leaves stuck in the cocoon dry up and turn brown, the worms have already hatched. It is important to look over the branches on your trees to find any bagworms in early spring.
Treating and Preventing Bagworms
When you find a bagworm on your cedar tree, the best way to remove it is to cut it from the branch and smash it onto the ground. You can also put the cocoon in the road and run it over in your vehicle. Or, you can put the cocoon in a bucket of hot soapy water to kill the eggs. If you treat the tree and cocoon with insecticides, you have to do it in the spring before they hatch. Applying insecticide later than June will be ineffective to kill the worms before they hatch.
By planting fruit and seed-bearing trees and bushes in your yard, you will promote bird activity and help keep bagworms from making your cedar tree their cocoon's new home. Birds are a bagworm's main predator and will eat the worms before they can build their cocoon in your cedar tree. Hanging several bird feeders will promote bird activity in your yard as well. And, planting daisies and asters in your yard will bring insects to your yard that eat bagworms.
Use these tips to locate, identify, and get rid of bagworms in your cedar trees. For further assistance, contact professionals in tree services, such as those from